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G1 and G3 are my all-time favorite generations.

I was raised entirely on G3, and only until after I found G4 did I start researching old generations. I didn't even know there were OLDER ponies! I think G3s have the prettiest colors of all, and I think G1s have the cutest poses and appearances of all. I think G2 ponies are okay, but the hooves and long legs make them look too much like horses to me. I think G3.5 are the ugliest little things, but they're not THAT bad. Tiny ponies are the best ponies, and that goes for G4's Blind Bag ponies and their normal ponies! :)

I've had MLPs for as long as I can remember, and I loved that one G3 movie about a pony (Pinkie Pie?) who could cross over the rainbow through the clouds to another pony world.

I want the most to make a custom pony for my own, but I'm afraid I'll mess everything up. So, my poor blank G3 will have to wait for it's time to shine.

I hate when those select bunch of rabid G4 fans will bash someone for liking old generations, and I hate people who bash the old generations themselves, but I'm sure there are a few rabid retro fans out there.. however I haven't seen that happen much. Sadly, I've even had someone come up to me and say, "You're a horrible person and you make me sick because you defend G3 instead of G1. Horrible person! G3s are terrible just because I SAID SO!"

I am also taking a certain liking to Fakies. I currently have about 3, and I have interest in my baby cousin Paris' two fake ponies. I think the best place to look for Fakies are in Dollar Generals, I've seen them a lot in stores. I remember when I was little and I'd look up at "My Nice Pony" hanging on the rack and think to myself, ".. There's something really strange about that pony.."

Overall, I am a very kind person with a short fuse. I'm shy and I don't like to be tricky or mean, it makes my heart feel.. sad. XD